Investor F.A.Q
We invite you to read a selection of FAQ about investing with MoneyShop. If you have an investment question not listed below, please get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you promptly.
When can I get my investment back?
Your investment is for the length of the loan. It will take approx 18 months for the return of capital. Whilst previous performance cannot be relied upon, MoneyShop is proud to have paid its investors on time and to have never missed a payment in 30 years.
Is my rate fixed?
Yes for the term of the loan.
Can you accept a deposit without meeting the FMCA requirements?
Moneyshop can only accept deposits from qualifying wholesale investors, under the FMCA, who have a net worth in excess of $5 million or who invest $750,000 or more.
Is MoneyShop Group Limited a Peer-to-Peer lender?
MoneyShop provides a peer-to-peer lending service in New Zealand. MoneyShop is not a licenced peer-to-peer lender under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
Is my money safe?
The investor will receive interest and capital on a monthly basis regardless of whether the borrower pays MoneyShop. Investors are encouraged to take independent financial advice.
When will I receive interest and capital on my investment?
Interest and capital on all loans is paid monthly in arrears. Investors have the option of reinvesting interest or have it paid out to their nominated bank account on a weekly basis.
What happens if a borrower dies or goes bankrupt?
MoneyShop will pay you the balance owing on the loan should the borrower die or go bankrupt.
What happens if a borrower doesn’t pay?
MoneyShop pays your monthly capital and interest irrespective of whether MoneyShop gets paid by the borrower.
What happens if MoneyShop goes out of business?
Your investment is a peer-to-peer investment, all loans allocated to you are yours and you can take ownership of them. Investors are encouraged to take independent financial advice.
Interest rates on amounts invested
Minimum investment of
$0 - $500,000
Any investment of
$500,000 - $1,000,000
Any investment of
$1,000,000 +