Repay A Loan

Choose the most convenient method to repay your loan
Pay through internet banking
You can set up Automatic Payments by downloading our Automatic Payment form and sending it your bank.
Pay at a MoneyShop branch
We accept Credit Card and Eftpos Payments.
We Also accept a reduction from WINZ.
Click here for our Payroll Dedudction form.
Pay at a BNZ branch
See our guide on How to make a deposit at a BNZ Smart ATM (also available in Tongan and Samoan). Please remember to use your contract number with MoneyShop, as a reference when making a deposit.
Pay online with POLI Pay
POLi is the online payment option that allows you to use your internet banking to securely make payments and don’t worry, Poli will not retain any of your login details.
Going to miss a payment?
Contact Us
Credit Department
Phone: 09 261 2940 or 0800 66 66 50
Text: 027 279 3134
Facebook: MoneyshopNZ
Fax: 09 262 0297
Visit Us
Talk to us
Is English not your first language?
Our staff speak many different languages, including:
- Samoan
- Tongan
- Niuean
- Maori
- Hindi
- Shona (yes it’s a language)
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
- Cook Island
Living in Austrailia?
Commonwealth Bank Details
BSB: 062000
Account Number: 13216544
Branch Address: 48 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2000
Account type: Business Transaction Account
Your contact identifier: Contract number
Going overseas?
Please always keep us informed. You can still pay while you are away. You can still pay while you are away through:
- Australian Bank Account
- Bank Draft
- International Money Transfer
If you have any questions please contact us on 0800 66 66 39 so we can help you sort out payments before you go overseas.
So what happens if you dont contact us?
It could cost you a lot. So please don’t ignore the situation, we can help you; so let’s sort this out!
Otherwise, an account in arrears will incur a daily fee of 90c until the arrears are paid off or a satisfactory arrangement is made and kept to.
In addition you can incur a default payment fee of $20 when any scheduled payment from a bank account is late, reversed or not made.
Fees will also incur if we have to get in contact with you regarding your missed payment through:
Letter: $10.00
Phone Call: $5
Home Visit: $80 + GST
All third party costs which we incur in collecting defaulting debt, for example in the repossession process or legal process, will be charged as invoiced.
Repayment Waiver
Have you been away from work due to illness?
A Repayment Waiver is a plan which covers the borrower for sickness, accident and death. There are times in your life when unexpected things happen. Repayment Waiver helps you through these times. If you become sick, have an accident or meet an untimely death, the Repayment Waiver is there for you. The last thing you want is to worry about is how you, or your family, are going to pay your loan! All loan payments are remitted on your behalf for the time stated on your medical certificate and/or ACC documentation up to six months as long as the loan is not in arrears of over 35 days. In the case of death you are remitted the balance of the loan owing under the loan contract or $10,000, whichever amount is the smaller as long as the loan is not in arrears of over 35 days. Any balance left owing after this amount is paid will need to be paid either by the other borrowers on the contract or remaining family members. MoneyShop has a 98% approval rate for all claims.
Below is our Repayment Waiver Contract for you to download:
To make a claim on the repayment waiver
The claimant must be the nominated borrower. The Repayment Waiver does not cover family, friends or other borrowers on the contract.
In order to claim on the Repayment Waiver in the instance of sickness or accident, you must produce a medical certificate from a certified medical practitioner. Any person with a relationship to the nominated borrower can bring this document in on behalf of the nominated borrower.
In order to claim on the Repayment Waiver in the instance of death, your family (or friend) must produce either an invoice from the funeral director or death certificate. The Repayment Waiver does not cover if the loan is 35 days or more in arrears.
Below is our Repayment Waiver Claim for you to download:
What doesn’t the Repayment Waiver Cover?
- Pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage
- Complications during pregnancy that are result of pregnancy
- Mental illness
- Aids
- Glue or petrol sniffing
- Alcoholism
- Drug consumption
- Ingestion, injection or inhalation of any banned substance
- Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Suicide or attempted suicide
- Intentional self injury
- Any injuries sustained while intoxicated with alcohol or drugs
- Redundancy, or loss of income due to being fired
What is the difference between the Repayment Waiver and the Hardship Provision?
Sickness, accident and death are all covered by the Repayment Waiver. However it does not cover the client for loss of income or redundancy.
The Hardship Provision in accordance to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003, is available to clients who have had their situation change suddenly for the worse since the draw down of the contract. This could be the loss of a partner, job or reliable income.
Making a hardship application
A borrower has the right to ask for a change to their consumer credit contract, if they meet the following criteria:
the borrower has suffered a hardship they couldn’t reasonably have seen coming, such as illness or injury, loss of employment, the end of a relationship, or death of a partner or spouse
as a result of that hardship, the borrower cannot reasonably meet their debt repayments, and
the borrower believes they would be able to meet their debt repayments if the contract was changed in the ways specified by the CCCF Act.
Conditions for applying for hardship
A borrower can make a hardship application at any time, unless the borrower:
- has been in default for two months or more
- has been in default for two weeks or more after receiving a repossession warning notice or Property Law Act notice, or
- has failed to make four or more consecutive debt repayments on their due dates.
Borrowers may only make one hardship application on the same grounds within any four month period, unless the lender agrees to consider another application.
If the borrower catches up on the debt repayments and defaults, they are again entitled to make a hardship application.
What we will do with your application
A borrower can ask for a contract to be changed by either:
- extending the term of the contract and reducing the amount of each payment.
- postponing debt repayments for a specified period of time (a payment holiday).
- extending the term of the contract and postponing debt repayments for a specified period of time (a payment holiday).
- While these options will provide temporary relief, they are likely to increase the total amount owing on a loan.
The borrower cannot seek changes that are more extensive than is necessary to enable them to reasonably meet their obligations under the credit contract. The changes asked for must also be fair and reasonable to both the borrower and the lender when all the circumstances are taken into account.
How to apply
The application must be in writing, be given to MoneyShop Group Ltd and specify the reasonable cause for the borrower’s inability to meet their obligations under the consumer credit contract. The application mustinclude supporting information, such as a letter advising redundancy or a doctor’s certificate.
The application must include the specific changes the borrower wants to make.
The borrower and lender must agree to the changes before a borrower is permitted to make any changes to the borrower’s repayments.
After making an application the borrower may not make another application in relation to the same consumer credit contract unless four months have expired since the previous application was made.
We will only agree to consider another application within four months if the reasons for the application are materially different from the reasons given in the previous application.
What we will do with your application
- We will consider the application in a careful, diligent and skilful way. We will also treat the borrower reasonably and in an ethical manner.
On receipt of the application we will:
- Send a written receipt or acknowledgement to the borrower within 5 working days of receiving the application.
- Send a written request to the borrower for any further information necessary to decide the application within 10 working days of receiving the application.
- If we do not request further information, we will decide whether or not to agree to the changes and notify the borrower (in writing) of the decision, within 20 working days of receiving the application.
- If we have not agreed to the changes, we will advise the borrower of the reasons for the decision in writing.
- Whether we accept or decline the hardship application the borrower has the right to seek a review of the hardship application by either the courts or Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL).
- If we agree to change the contract, we will provide the borrower with information about the change before the change takes effect.
If we request further information from the borrower, we will decide whether or not to agree to the changes by the later of:
- 20 working days after making the request for further information.
- 10 working days after receiving the information requested.
We will not charge a credit fee for receiving a hardship application. However, if the application is successful and the contract is changed, we may charge a fee for the variation as set out in the contract and disclosed to the borrower. We will not increase the interest rate. The fee will be reasonable and will reflect actual costs incurred by us in documenting the changes to the contract (excluding the cost of dealing with the hardship application).
If a consumer credit contract is secured over consumer goods, we will not take enforcement action in relation to those goods while we are considering a hardship application including:
- Giving a repossession warning notice.
- Repossessing consumer goods or entering premises for the purpose of repossession.
- A borrower can make a hardship application up to two weeks after receiving a repossession warning notice.
- Property Law Act notice. However we may repossess consumer goods while we are considering a hardship application if the goods are at risk. But we will not take any further enforcement action until the hardship application has been decided.
Complaints & Concerns
Financial registration: MoneyShop Group Limited is a registered Financial Services Provider.
Trading Name: MoneyShop
FSP number: FSP2001
Registration date: 3 September 2010
Dispute resolution scheme:
Financial Services Complaints Limited Level 13,
45 Johnston Street,
Wellington 6001
MoneyShop is registered to provide the following financial services:
Providing credit under a credit contract service.
Who to contact with a problem:
MoneyShop strives to provide excellence to its customers. However from time to time, problems can occur and we want to hear from you. To start with, talk to the staff member in the branch or ask to speak with their manager. The majority of problems can usually be fixed this way.
If you are not satisfied or you think the problem is a serious one
Please send an email to and tell us what has happened and how we can resolve matters. If you have any documents or correspondence that will help us understand your complaint, please attach them to the email.
When we receive your complaint, we will:
• acknowledge your complaint within 1-2 working days
• gather and evaluate information about your complaint
• respond to you within 20 working days.
If we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). FSCL are an independent, not-for-profit, external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs.
FSCL’s service does not cost you anything and they will help resolve the complaint.
You can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited:
• by calling 0800 347 257
• by emailing
• through FSCL’s website:
You can write to FSCL at this address:
PO Box 5967
Lambton Quay