Complaints And Concerns

Complaints and Concerns
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MoneyShop Group Limited Complaints Procedure

Complaints and Concerns

MoneyShop endeavours to always look after its customers. However, from time to time, problems can occur. In the first instance, the Borrower or the Guarantor should talk to the staff member in the branch or ask to speak with the branch or collections manager. The majority of problems can usually be sorted out in this manner.

If the problem is more serious or the Borrower or the Guarantor are not satisfied with the response, notification should be made in writing to:

The Compliance Manager

MoneyShop Group Limited
PO Box 76566
Manukau City 2241

MoneyShop’s internal complaints policy sets out time frames for a response to your complaint, who will respond and how your complaint will be handled. For a more detailed explanation please contact the Compliance Manager.

Though MoneyShop will do its utmost to resolve any problem, if the parties are not satisfied and a deadlock is reached, then the Borrower and Guarantor can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL), the external dispute resolution scheme for our industry. This independent body is approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Complaints to FSCL need to meet certain criteria. Their website is

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